Estimating Denitrification Rates in the East/Japan Sea Using Extended Optimum Multi-Parameter Analysis


Denitrification rates in the East/Japan Sea (EJS) were examined with extended Optimum Multi-Parameter (eOMP) analysis. The potential denitrification locations expected from the eOMP analysis occurred only in the Ulleung Basin (UB) and near the Tatar Strait (TtS) of the Eastern Japan Basin (EJB). Estimated denitrification rates were ~0.3 - 3 and ~4 - 11 μmol N m-2 d-1 in the UB and in the EJB, respectively. These rates agree with previous published results. The EJS’s rates were lower than reported for other marginal seas. However, considering the rapid EJS response to climate change, we predict that denitrification may be enhanced in the near future.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union