Western Pacific Moisture Analysis as Observed from DMSP SSM/I Measurements

  • Author(s): Huo-Jin Huang, Gin-Rong Liu, and Tang-Huang Lin
  • DOI: 10.3319/TAO.1992.3.4.557(A)
  • Keywords:
  • Citation: Huang, H.-J., G.-R. Liu, and T.-H. Lin, 1992: Western Pacific Moisture Analysis as Observed from DMSP SSM/I Measurements. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 3, 557-568, doi: 10.3319/TAO.1992.3.4.557(A)

DMSP SSM/I data are used in this study to investigate the global distribution of moisture, and to study the variations of brightness temperatures with the changes of the intensity of typhoons during September 1987. The rain rate of typhoons is also determined based on Olson et al.'s (1990) algorithm.
It is noted that the SSM/I data could provide realistic patterns and magnitudes of total precipitable water, cloud water content, and rain rate for the globe. They are comparable to the previous findings and other model analysis. The characteristics of SS data are documented in this study for the three typhoons (Gerald, Freda , and Holly) over the western Pacific Ocean. The detailed structure of the typhoon can be identified by the SSMJI data, and the estimated rainfall of the typhoon appears to be reasonable.
The development of the algorithms to derive atmospheric variables for Taiwan and its vicinity is suggested, and the validation of the algorithms has to be executed based on radar. data, and upper and surface observations. The intercomparions of various algorithms also can be performed, if ground truth data are not available.

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