A Simple Method for Simulating Horizontal Ozone Concentration Fields over Coastal Areas: A Case Study of the Seoul Metropolitan Area, Korea


This paper describes a simple semi-empirical photo chemical simulation method to generate horizontal ozone (O3) concentration fields over coastal areas. Based on a simple semi-empirical photochemical reaction model (SEGRS), consisting of a simple photochemical reaction set and a diagnostic wind model, aggregated VOC emission strength is empirically scaled from measured photochemical gas phase concentrations of (O3-2NO-NO2) against cumulative actinic light flux for the case of relatively weak off-shore geostrophic wind at 850 hPa in summer. This scaled emission rate for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is equally applied to horizontal O3 concentration simulation under on-shore synoptic conditions, and results are compared with observations. The results indicate that spatial distribution patterns and temporal variations of spatially averaged ground level ozone concentrations are reasonably well simulated. In addition, from the more than 100 box-form SEGRS simulations, close agreement between simulated and observed daily maximum O3 concentrations suggests that the semi empirical SEGRS model has great potential in getting horizontal ozone distribution patterns. This indicates that this simple semi-empirical approach to the simulation of O3 concentration patterns using SEGRS makes for an easy alternative method in multi-year simulation for impact studies of O3 concentrations by lowering heavy computational cost.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union