A new record of Podocarpaceae fossil wood from Miocene strata, Northern Taiwan

  • Descriptions of a rare plant macrofossil in Taiwan
  • A new fossil wood species, Podocarpoxylon nageioides Y.-P. Lo & J.-M. Hu, sp. nov.
  • Evidence for Miocene paleobotanical and paleoenvironmental reconstruction in Taiwan

Podocarpaceae is a family distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions. Although there are several extant species in Taiwan, the fossil record of Podocarpaceae is only present in pollen records. Based on thin sections and wood anatomical observations, this article reports the first record of Podocarpaceae macrofossil and a new species in Taiwan, Podocarpoxylon nageioides Y.-P. Lo & J.-M. Hu, sp. nov., from the Miocene strata, Northern Taiwan. The discovery of fossil wood provides a new reference for research in biogeography and fossil plant in Taiwan.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union