Finite Element Reverse Time Imaging for Earthquake Sources and Scatterers

  • Author(s): Bor-Shouh Huang and Yeong Tein Yeh
  • DOI: 10.3319/TAO.1991.2.1.17(T)
  • Keywords:
  • Citation: Huang, B.-S. and Y. T. Yeh, 1991: Finite Element Reverse Time Imaging for Earthquake Sources and Scatterers. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 2, 17-33, doi: 10.3319/TAO.1991.2.1.17(T)

In this study, we applied the reversibility of elastic wave to a discussion of the reverse time propagation of wave equation. Based on the backward prop ga­ tion concept, we evaluated the feasibility of reconstructing the image of elastic wave sources and scatterers. The nite element. method was used to calculate elastic wave propagation in the medium. The same computational code was also used to reconstruct the. reverse time image. It was und that after our careful process­ ing of the absorption boundary for arti cial re ectio,n, we could use the time-trace records at the surface to invert the locations of seismic sources or underground scat­ terer accurately. Our results show that point source, ' nite fault and multi-sources are well reconstructed. Although direct waves are much stronger than scattering wave elds, the imaging of the underground anomaly is still well reconstructed from the reverse time process. The image reconstruction technique based on the nite element method is exible and easily to use r many applications.

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