Shallow Reflection Ssismics Aiding Geological Drilling into the Chelungpu Fault After 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan


Two shallow holes (~300m) were drilled to uncover cores to study the properties of the Chelungpu fault, which was activated during the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake (Mw = 7.6), Taiwan. Before drilling, we collected seismic reflection data near the wells to aid the drilling processes. The depths predicted by the seismic reflection sections proved to by very close to the drilling results. These seismic sections also provided details of underground 2D structures, which are of help in clarifying the relationship of the well with the neighboring geology. Besides this, we also present several seismic sections describing the undisturbed structures on the Chelungpu fault's footwall side opposite the violated hanging-wall side. A detachment type of movement is suggested to explain this extraordinary phenomenon. Finally, a combination of seismic and electric methods was implemented to explore the near-surface structure of the Sanyi fault, which is believed to be the counterpart of the Chelungpu fault but at a deeper location. The results show that the Sanyi fault is old and has ceased its movement, perhaps not having been involved in the Chi-Chi earthquake's action.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union