Preface to the Special Issue on “Geomagnetic Research for Taiwan: Present and Future”


This special issue documents the status of various as- pects on the geomagnetic research in Taiwan with forward- looking prospects. Geomagnetic experiments and observa- tions conducted in Taiwan can be dated back to the 1970s in their earliest forms. Systematic geomagnetic monitoring and the ensuing research did not emerge until 1988 when the Institute of Earth Sciences of the Academia Sinica began to install continuous magnetometer stations at island-wide locations. Eight proton-precession scalar magnetometers were installed to measure magnetic field intensity at 5 - 10 minutes data rates. The reference Lun-Ping station was fur- ther upgraded to the INTERMANGNET standard in 1998 (but later closed). A major objective of this geomagnetic network was to monitor earthquake activities, as exempli- fied in Liu et al. (2001), in conjunction with Taiwan’s seis- mic and GPS networks. The year 1999 saw the devastating Chi-Chi earthquake in central Taiwan. Surprising precur- sive geomagnetic signals were identified and reported (Yen et al. 2004). More magnetic stations were established with the total number reaching 11 by 2007. The data rates were improved to 1 minute and then 1 s (Yen et al. 2009). 

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union