Shallow Reflection Seismics Using Firecracker as the Source, I: Firecracker

  • Author(s): Dao-Tze Tsai, Chien-Ying Wang, and Rong-Kuan Yang
  • DOI: 10.3319/TAO.1990.1.4.307(T)
  • Keywords:
  • Citation: Tsai, D.-T., C.-Y. Wang, and R.-K. Yang, 1990: Shallow Reflection Seismics Using Firecracker as the Source, I: Firecracker. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 1, 307-320, doi: 10.3319/TAO.1990.1.4.307(T)

\Ve have designed a tool that uses recrackers as the source r shallow seismic study. The performance of this instrument was eval­ uated by conducting noise test experiments comparing three di erent sources, at the NCU campus. Adequate high frequency, high quality signals were generated. Except r a slightly lower energy level, the recracker source has many interesting features as distinct from other sources. It was und to be able to produce signals of high equency and to be e cient, portable, cheap and sa . Especially, as recrack­ ers are obtained easily from local stores, the utilization of a recracker source may circumvent complex gove ment regulations and open op­ portunities r further development. All these bene ts make the re­ cracker a convenient source worth intrnducing to the scientists in this country who are interested in the shallow seismic methods.
The recracker is an explosive with a vet'Y small charge. In this paper, we will describe the detailed designation and operation proce­ dures r this new tool and also examine its properties and application limitations. Finally, a CDP seismic section is presented as a demon­ stration. If the background noise is not too high, the recracker will be· a useful source r shallow seismic surveys including both the re ection and the refraction methods.

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