Stratigraphic Correlation and Isopach Maps of the Western Taiwan Basin


Subsurface geologic reports, paleontological data and stratigraphic correlation studies of the 88 onshore and offshore exploration wells of the western Taiwan Basin completed by earlier researchers were incorporated. Six regional stratigraphic profiles and the isopach maps of each formation above the Wuchihshan Formation were constructed in this study. During the Oligeocene, the depositional center was located to the east of the Hsinchu-Taoyuan-Taipei belt, and the thickness of the Oligocene strata increased from the west to the east. During the Miocene, the depositional center was situated to the east of the Miaoli-Hsinchu belt and the sediments were mainly from the northwest of Taiwan although part of the sediments was also derived form the Peikang basement high in the early Miocene. The configuration of the northwest of Taiwan although part of the sediments was also derived form the Peikang basement high in the early Miocene. The configuration of the sedimentary basin and the source of sediment during the deposition of the Kueichulin and Chinshui Formiations were not too different from those in the Miocene. However, during the late Pliocene, the sediments were from the east and with quite thick clastic sequence deposited in western Taiwan. The depositional center of the Cholan Formation is located to the east of the Taichung-Miaoli-Hsinchu belt. In the Toukoshan stage of the Pleistocene the sediments were also form the east and very thick clastic strata were deposited in western Taiwan.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union