Three-Dimensional Acoustic Computation of Four-Component Seismic Data


The relationships among the (scalar) displacement potential, acoustic pressure and particle displacement is exploited in three-dimensional (3-D) numerical modeling of synthetic multi-component multi-offset seismograms. Using these relations, synthetic one-component pressure and partially resolved three-component (3-C) displacement seismograms may be computed for 3-D models using a finite-difference solution of the (3-D) acoustic wave equation. Compressional- or decoupled-SH and Love wave responses can be used as a complement to elastic response for data interpretation and subsurface structure delineation.

This new capability is applicable to a wide range of recording geometries over various complex structures. Simulations include surface sources recorded on a circular array, walkaway survey, multi-component multioffset vertical seismic profiling (VSP), and both off-end and off-line shots into a crooked, wide-aperture array. The result indicated that the relationships among source, receiver location and complexity of the subsurface structure will produce different three-component responses. For seismic event identification and subsurface structure discrimination, the uniqueness from forward modeling can be emphasized through integrated approach by considering 3-D scalar, partially resolved 3-C displacement and elastic modeling.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union