Preliminary Neotectonic Map of Onshore-offshore Taiwan


The diversity of the research in earth sciences leads to a multisource approach to investigate the surroundings of Taiwan. Various data sets combined by a Geographical Information System (GIS) enable us to propose an intergrated neotectonic map of onshore-offshore Taiwan. Several technical problems arise during the compilation of this map, such as the homogeneity of scales, projections and geodetic systems used, the validity and precision of each data set (line and pixel) and document, and the integration of qualitative and quantitative documents.

Various types of information are taken into account in this approach, such as topography and bathymetry, geology (lithology, structure), geophysics (gravimetry, magnetism, etc.), geodesy (levelling, GPS, etc.), remote sensing and field works. This multisource approach has been applied to data sets both onland and offshore Taiwan, and has resulted in a preliminary neotectonic map of onshore-offshore Taiwan. This map provides a better comprehension of the geodynamic phenomena that affect Taiwan, and contributes significantly to the relations of the offshore structures and their corresponding reactivated extensional structures onshore (for instance, the Tainan, Taihsi, Okinawa, and Huatung basins).

This document should benefit both academic research (structural and active fault maps) as well as the applied geological implications (such as natural hazards mapping and evaluation of geotechnic works).

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union