Potential Earthquakes Rupturing the Chinshan and Shangjiao Faults in the Taipei Metropolitan Area


There are two active faults, i.e., the Chinshan and Shangjiao faults in the Taipei Metropolitan Area. The moment magnitude (M), maximum displacement (Dmax), and average displacement (Dave) of potential earthquakes, which would rupture the two faults, are evaluated. The fault lengths are 25 and 20 km, respectively, for the Chinshan and Shangjiao faults. The optimum values of the three parameters are: (1) M = 6.6, Dmax = 0.97 m, and Dave = 0.42 m for the Shangjiao fault; and (2) M = 6.7, Dmax = 1.35 m, and Dave = 0.55 m for the Chinshan fault; and (3) M = 7.0, Dmax = 3.28 m, and Dave = 1.15 m for the Chinshan-Shangjiao fault system.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union