Fault Zone Resistivity Structure and Monitoring at the Taiwan Chelungpu Drilling Project (TCDP)


The Taiwan Chelungpu-fault drilling project (TCDP) has undertaken scientific drilling and directly sampled the sub-surface rupture of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake. Audio-magnetotelluric (AMT) measurements were used to investigate electrical resistivity structure at the TCDP site from 2004 - 2006. These data show a geoelectric strike direction of N15°E to N30°E. Inversion and forward modeling of the AMT data were used to generate a 1-D resistivity model that has a prominent low resistivity zone (< 10 ohm-m) between depths of 1100 and 1500 m. When combined with porosity measurements, theAMT measurements imply that the ground water has a resistivity of 0.55 ohm-m at the depth of the fault zone.

Time variations in the measured AMT data were observed from 2004 - 2005 with maximum changes of 43% in apparent resistivity and 18° in phase. The change in apparent resistivity is greatest in the 1000 - 100 Hz frequency band. These frequencies are sensitive to the resistivity structure of the upper 500 m of the hanging wall of the Chelungpu Fault. The decrease in resistivity over time appears to be robust and could be caused by an increase in porosity and a re-distribution of the groundwater.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union