Slug Test in a Large Dip Angle Fracture Zone: Model and Field Experiment


A single-porosity model is developed to deal with a fracture zone slug test in a large dip angle by assuming the fracture zone causes a downward regional flow. For the oscillatory response, a larger dip angle causes larger amplitude while introduces little impact on period. The effective water length, an important parameter necessary for analyzing the oscillatory response, is proven to be independent of the dip angle and can be evaluated using the available horizontal formation methods. The dip angle effect is more pronounced for a larger storage coefficient. An empirical relationship is developed to evaluate the limiting dip angle, below which the dip angle effect is negligible. Field data analysis of a slug test in a 47° dip angle fracture zone indicates that neglecting the dip angle can result in a 27% transmissivity over estimation and a 53% storage coefficient under estimation.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union