Would science serve decision-making to adapt the impact of climate change? Introduction to Climate Change Adaptation – scientific evidence, assessment framework and decision-making


We live in challenging times with a heightened sense of uncertainty and unpredictability. Climate change, with its impact on disruptive events as well as gradual trends, has been addressed in scientific studies and become increasingly important in policymaking. This rises up a great need on scientific integration and knowledge transformation. The Taiwan Integrated Research Programme on Climate Change Adaptation Technology (TaiCCAT) is formed under this concern. Directing by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), it carries a strong intention to explore and to conduct adequate knowledge of climate change and adaptation strategies for decision-making supports. The TaiCCAT highly recommends the approach of cross-disciplinary collaboration from environmental studies to adaptation governance. The result can therefore be more contributive to reflect the complexity of the changing world.

As the introduction paper, we take a prior focus on framing understanding to the periodic results presented in the selected papers. An overview of the research programme is essential for the readers to get into the context and the content of the studies. The paper is divided in three parts. It firstly introduces the scope of the studies under the national research framework of climate change. The approach in practices is presented. This brings to the summary of the selected papers and the discussions for as the concluding remarks.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union