Are Chronons the Elementary Particles in space and Time?


In the search for a physical theory of time, I proposed that chronons are elementary particles of time (Hsü, 1992); natural phenomena which seem to be spontaneous changes are interpreted in terms of chronon-captures. Natural radioactivity is considered the result of chronon-bombardment; the chronon-capture by uranium-238, for example, causes its dacay into thorium-234 and alpha particle. Catalysis in chemistry is explained by assuming a larger cross-section for chronon-capture by a catalyst. Life is defined as the acquisition by a cell the ability to capture chronos, and death is defined as the acquisition by a cell the ability to capture chronos, and death is the loss of that ability. Since then, I have developed the idea that chronon can be a quantum ability. Since then, I have developed the idea that chronon can be a quantum action or quanton Levy-Leblond and Balibar, 1990), an energy/time product. Such a chronon/quanton could be the elementary particle in space and time.

Chronons have variable energy, mass, and lifetime. Photons are chronons travelling at the speed of light in '"·ave motion. Neutrinos are chronons travelling at the speed of light, but not in wave motion. A third kind of elementary particles has been called WIMPs. Those are particles which neither travel at the speed of light, nor in wave-motion. Photons and neutrinos have vanishingly small mass, but aggregates of chronons can ha,re a finite mass. Chronons, as energy carriers, could serve the function of being carriers of information. Energy transfer in biologic growth could be effected through such information carriers. An input of orderl)1 sequenced chronons could explain the phenomena of biologic clocks.

The chronon theory explains natural phenomena in terms of particleinteractions. The postulate of light transmission by particle collisions could be tested by mathematical modelling. The postulate that radioactive decays are activated by neutrino captures could be tested by experiments. The theory has an relevance to earth sciernce, as it points to a new approach to study problems of earthquakes, energy production, and disposal of radioactive wastes. Identification of chronons as information-carriers could have implications to problems in life sciences.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union