Ionospheric Changes Observed Over Waltair(Dip 20 N) During the Total Solar Eclipse of 24th October 1995


The ionosonde measurements made at Waltair (20 degree N dip) during the solar eclipse of 24th October 1995 showed significant decreases in both the critical frequency and the height of the F-layer during the eclipse. Also, significant oscillatory variations were observed in h¡¦F and f0F2 during the course of the eclipse. When compared with the control days, f0F2 and f0F1 fell by about 15% and as much as 50%, respectively, on the eclipse day. The spectral components derived form the quasi-periodic variations observed in f0F2 and h¡¦F over Waltair (81% obscuration) clearly showed the presence of an additional 30-minute component on the eclipse day, which was not present on the control days, indicating that the waves are observed away from the totality path.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union