Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Detected During the Solar Eclipse of 24 October 1995


During the total solar eclipse period on 24 October 1995, the ionospheric data derived form Faraday rotation, differential Doppler frequency shift, and HF Doppler sounding at Lunping Observatory were used to detect the traveling ionospheric disturbances associated with the solar eclipse of that day. These observed ionospheric disturbances were characterized by quasiperiodic wave-like trains lasting for several cycles with wavelengths of around 193 km, periods of around 12-14 min and propagated with a horizontal velocity of around 296 m/s from the direction of the eclipse path to the observation site. By use of a simplified bow wave front model, these traveling ionospheric disturbances are interpreted as the freely propagated atmospheric gravity waves generated by the supersonic movement of the Moon's shadow through the Earth's atmosphere along the eclipse path.

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