Indications of Atmospheric Ozone Decrease in Solar UV-B Flux Changes During the Total Solar Eclipse of 24 October 1995


Solar ultraviolet flux measurements in the biological band at 290-320 nm have indicated a sharp increase in the ground reaching solar ultraviolet total flux during the recovery phase of the 24 October 1995 solar eclipse event. The flux values came back to their normal control day value within about two hours after the total recovery phase of the eclipse. The solar flux changes at the visible and near infrared wavelengths did not show any such increase in flux except at 600 nm, which is in the Chappius band for ozone absorption. The observed changes indicate that the increase in the flux could be due to a decrease in the atmospheric columnar ozone. From a numerical calculation it is inferred that a 4.6 % decrease in ozone could produce the observed UV flux increase.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union