The Scientific Project for ROCSAT-1/OCI


Taiwan's first scientific experimental satellite, ROCSAT-1, is scheduled to be launch in January 1999. It will carry three scientific payloads. One of them is an instrument named Ocean Color Imager (OCI) to monitor ocean colors. There are two major working groups for the scientific purpose of OCI, the Science Team (ST) and the Science Data Distribution Center (SDDC). The OCI-ST was formed for sensor calibration, atmospheric correction, algorithm development, and data validation. The OCI algorithms developed were tested by Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) data. The results show that the relative error of water-leaving radiance from OCI atmospheric correction algorithms is higher than that derived from SeaWiFS algorithms. However, the relative error of chlorophyll a concentration derived from OCI bio-optical algorithm using the water-leaving radiance derived from OCI atmospheric correction algorithms is smaller than that for SeaWiFS products. Data from OCI will be processed and then distributed by the OCI-SDDC. The OCI-SDDC is also a day-to-day operations center. Anyone who is interested in OCI products can request them via the OCI-SDDC web site at

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