Modeling of the Ionospheric Response to the Solar Eclipse of 24 October 1995


In this paper the ionospheric effects of the solar eclipse of October 24, 1995 were investigated using a two-dimensional ionospheric theoretical model. In the calculations, only the depression of solar EUV fluxes during the course of the eclipse was taken into account under the solar eclipse condition. (1) During the period of the eclipse, the optical effects were quite clear at the lower altitudes of the ionosphere, while the responses to the eclipse were weaker, delayed, but longer in duration at the higher altitudes. (2) The lower the magnetic latitude, the stronger was the response to the solar eclipse. In low latitude regions, the values of f0F2 on the eclipse day were lower compared with those under the control conditions, whereas hm F2 values were higher. (3) Near the magnetic equator there was a sharp transition in hmF2 after the maximum phase of obscuration, and a solar F1.5 layer appeared below the normal peak height of the F2 layer. (4) After the maximum phase, the effects of the eclipse lasted longer near Hainan, and a secondary depression occurred over the magnetic equator. The mechanisms that may be responsible for the eclipse-caused effects are discussed here.

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