Mapping of the Simultaneous Movement of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) and Ionospheric Plasma Bubbles Through All-sky Imaging of OI 630nm Emission


An all-sky imager with 180° field of view has been operating at Kolhapur (16.8°N, 74.2°E; dip lat 10.6°N) in India to study the ionosphere-thermosphere dynamics through the imaging of OI 630.0 nm oxygen emission line. It is observed that large number of events are characterized by the development of strong Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA). Two examples of equatorward movement of the Appleton Anomaly crests (reverse ionization anomaly) with speed of 36-40 m/s on the night of January 26, 1998 and January 18, 1999 during the observation of ionospheric bubbles have been reported showing the observed correlation between EIA and bubbles. Our results agree well with fountain from Indian low latitude region. Generally, the background emission rates were low when no bubbles were observed.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union