Monitoring Debris Flows Using Spatial Filtering and Entropy Determination Approaches


We developed an automatic debris flow warning system in this study. The system uses a fixed video camera mounted over mountainous streams with a high risk for debris flows. The focus of this study is to develop an automatic algorithm for detecting debris flows with a low computational effort which can facilitate real-time implementation. The algorithm is based on a moving object detection technique to detect debris flow by comparing among video frames. Background subtraction is the kernel of the algorithm to reduce the computational effort, but non-rigid properties and color similarity of the object and the background color introduces some difficulties. Therefore, we used several spatial filtering approaches to increase the performance of the background subtraction. To increase the accuracy entropy is used with histogram analysis to identify whether a debris flow occurred. The modified background subtraction approach using spatial filtering and entropy determination is adopted to overcome the error in moving detection caused by non-rigid and similarities in color properties. The results of this study show that the approach described here can improve performance and also reduce the computational effort.

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Published by The Chinese Geoscience Union